Our Work in 2024
The Coalition's 2024 work plan focuses on implementing three tools from the 2022 Housing Action Plan: Accessory Dwelling Units, Employer-Assisted Housing Partnerships, and Zoning Reform.
This year's plan builds on the work of our 2022 subcommittees, includes ideas generated by participants in our November 2023 housing discussion, and has been refined by input from the Coalition's Steering Committee and other community partners, like Montana State University Extension, Park County.
Click here to watch a presentation about this year's work plan.
Click here for a flyer with information about the work plan.
HAP Tool #8
Accessory Dwelling Units
The 2022 workforce housing subcommittee recommended facilitating the creation of ADUs. Their endorsement, combined with Montana Senate Bill 528 and the Federal Housing Administration’s ADU lending policy, signals that the time is right to pilot an ADU program.

April 11, 2024
Watch a video recording of the seminar above.
With support from Opportunity Bank and the Park County Community Foundation, the Park County Housing Coalition hosted a free, one-hour continuing education seminar on financing for accessory dwelling units (ADUs). We reviewed similarities and differences between the ADU lending policies adopted by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Federal Housing Administration, Veterans Affairs, and USDA Rural Development and hear from a panel of local professionals working in key sectors about opportunities and challenges with ADU finance.

Fall 2024
With support from an AARP Community Challenge Grant, we hosted a three-part workshop series for Park County homeowners who want to contribute to community housing by building an ADU on their property. ​​
Workshop 1: Financing & Budgeting
ADU construction and management budget worksheet (compatible with Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets)
ADU financial calculator (compatible with Microsoft Excel)
ADU financial calculator (compatible with Google Sheets)
Workshop 2: Permitting & Design
HAP Tool #2
Employer-Assisted Housing Partnerships
This program will support employers who want to understand and implement demand and/or supply-side strategies to help their current employees access and remain in healthy housing in our community and improve recruitment and retention rates.
The program manager will offer free technical assistance to employers in the five sectors that provide 70% of the county's jobs: professional and business services; education, healthcare, and social assistance; construction; hospitality and leisure; and retail trade.

Tool # 9
Zoning Reform
The coalition will participate in the City’s of Livingston's zoning update. Our goal is to ensure changes are clear, complementary, and allow for more abundant housing at the sizes and prices our community members need and can afford.